A Premium Foliar Greens Product with Organic Enhancers

15-2- 15 Pro-Balance with 50% SRN is produced from high qual­ ity technical and food grade row materials. 15-2-15 is safe for both turf and  horticultural  applications, and  is a reliable source of both N and K. 15-2-15 contains soluble, readily available potassium for immediate plant uptake to maintain suff icient potassium levels. Nutrients ore absorbed both through the leaves and roots. Potassium improves the stand of stalk and increases disease resistance. 15-2-15 provides on optimal 1 to l ratio of N and K which is important when turf cannot use high levels of Phosphorus. No special agitation is required. 15-2-15 does not contain chlorides which con cause salt buildup. Potassium is known to improve winter hardiness of turf  gross. University research indicates the i mportance of  maintaining  good  potassi­ um levels as it relates to drought tolerance. Application is sug­ gested where soil levels of potassium ore marginal, and annual applications of 2 lbs of potassium per 1,000 sq. ft. may be required.

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Ikuti Kami : Sahabatagritama Agriculture

Ikuti Kami : Sahabatagritama Golf

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