Magnesium Chelate 3% is an organic chelate that provides magesium
in a soluble form, making it readily available for both soil
and foliar application. Magnesium Chelate 3% is environmentalsound,
and is made from organic sugars that are easily
pbsorbed intact along with the chelated metal and utilized in the
ant cell. Magnesium Chelate 3% is available for microbial
octivity in the soil. This type of chelate is especially efficient in high
pH soils, or calcareous soils and is recommended over EDTA
Chelates.Magnesium Chelate 3% is a near neutral pH of 6.5 and
is ideal for mixing with pH acid sensitive products. It is not affectad
by soil conditions, other nutrients or technical grade materials.
agnesium Chelate 3% will remain in a soluble form for plant
uptake since it remains a double + + charge ion and is not
attracted to negatively charged soil particles. Magnesium Chelate
% is compatible with all Growth Products professional fertilizers.
3e sure to read all mix instructions prior to tank mix solutions

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